

Loading cargo at Duluth, MN
Loading cargo at Duluth, MN

GPS Location : (Hull) N45° 01.944' 83° 11.563' (Bilge) N45° 01.877' W83° 11.764'
Depth: 35 Feet
Wreck Length: 100 Feet Beam: 30 Feet
Gross Tonnage: 1456

Diver inspects side section featuring wooden arch and gangway hatch.
Diver inspects side section featuring wooden arch and gangway hatch.

Cargo: Coal
Launched: 1874 by James Davidson at Bay City, Michigan
Wrecked: October 4, 1883

Description: Over 200 feet long, the James Davidson was among the first of its type and a giant in its day. On one of its first trips, it loaded 110,000 bushels of oats at Chicago, the largest load carried on the Great Lakes at the time. After a relatively short career, it met its end on Lake Huron, while towing the consort-barge Middlesex from Buffalo to Duluth. The Davidson ran onto the southeastern tip of Thunder Bay Island in hazy weather, severely damaging its hull and becoming a total loss. The wreck has broken up over time and the two largest remaining pieces are the hull and bilge sections. Her engine and boiler were salvaged not long after it stranded. Click here to read more about the James Davidson.



Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Enjoy diving the wrecks of Thunder Bay, but always respect the past. State and federal laws prohibit removing or disturbing artifacts. Future generations are depending on us to leave historic shipwrecks intact. Please take only pictures and leave only bubbles. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Shipwreck List

The Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary maintains seasonal moorings at many shipwreck sites. Available from May to September, the moorings make for safer diving and also protect shipwrecks from anchor damage. Sanctuary regulations require vessels to use moorings when present. Mooring Buoy Interactive Map

Forecast for the Alpena area



Things To Do

Scuba Diving or Snorkeling