Sculpture: Unknown Soldier
Sculpture: Unknown Soldier
Photo: Moran Iron Works

Owner of Moran Iron Works, Tom Moran spends a lot of his spare time working on creative metal artwork. Not only does he put in a full day of work with the crew, but you will often find him working after hours on the artwork.


Sculpture: George Washington
Sculpture: George Washington
Photo: Angel Elsenheimer

Since 1989, Moran Iron Works has constructed a unique and intriguing float to enter in the Onaway, Michigan Fourth of July parade. The float entry is the town's best kept secret until the community sees it for the first time on July Fourth. The anticipation and excitement each year for everyone to see what Tom has come up with is worth all the extra time put into each one of these projects.


Most of these sculptures are located in Northern Michigan, so everyone has a chance to admire some of Onaway's treasured artwork.